Contact Us

Phone: (775) 786-8853

You can always contact our Sales and Marketing Director, Laurie Leonard directly at (775) 786-8853 or

525 Court Street, Reno, NV 89501

Need directions? Click here.

Would you like more information about Promenade? Please fill out the form below for a brochure. You can also contact us directly at the number provide above. We look forward to hearing from you!

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    Seeking residence for a family member or friendA prospective client

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    Please send me a brochure package by mailPlease email me the answers to my questionsPlease phone me about Promenade

    How did you hear about Promenade?
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    How soon do you anticipate moving?
    1 – 3 months3 – 6 months6 – 12 months1 year plus

    Where are you in the process?
    I'm just starting to lookI have done some researchI have previewed other senior living facilities

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